As talent professionals, you and I know that on-the-job experience is a powerful development tool. That’s why I invite you to consider joining our chapter’s Board of Directors. Serving on the SEWI-ATD board is a way to gain leadership and business experience to advance your career, and make a positive contribution to our professional community at the same time.
I can personally vouch for the value of board service. My skills as a leader have grown because of this work, and I can point to specific improvements that my manager noticed in my last performance review that came from my volunteer work with the chapter. I’ve also gained more senior-level skills like managing budgets and understanding the key business drivers because of the P&L responsibilities in my roles. And, I’ve had a ton of fun in strengthening my relationships with my network and seeing the impact of our work on the local community.
Colin J. Hahn SEWI-ATD President
Contact Usadmin@sewi-atd.orgPhone: 608-204-9815Association ManagersSeth TrickelHeather L. Dyer, CAE