• December 16, 2016 9:53 AM | Laura Chartier

    Rapid changes in technology will force companies to redesign themselves to engage and develop top talent and drive their competitive edge. Check out this article by the editors of Chief Learning Officer, and read the associated research report, "Predictions for 2017: Everything is Becoming Digital" (linked below) for some insights into the new year ahead.

    Predictions for 2017.pdf

  • November 17, 2016 2:37 PM | Laura Chartier

    Do you use "movie trailers" in a flipped learning model to create interest and provide quick information for your virtual learning audience?  In her blog postDana Peters, CEO of Mondo Learning Solutions and President of SEWI-ATD shares strategies and video editing software to help you reach your audience in a simple yet entertaining way.

  • November 15, 2016 11:38 AM | Laura Chartier

    This article was referenced by Diane Kelly, Director of PWM Professional Development at Robert W. Baird & Co. during our November 4th Leaders of Learning and Talent Development PDN. While the piece appeared in the Harvard Business Review back in 1991, its progressive views appear to still hold true in today's modern Adult Learning revolution.

    Give it a read and feel to comment based on your own contemporary experiences!

    Teaching Smart People How to Learn by Chris Argyris

  • November 10, 2016 1:30 PM | Laura Chartier

    There are four specific, key traits, behaviors, and actions you need to exhibit to distinguish yourself as a strategic leader. Could your approach use a makeover? For some sound advice, read, "What Does Being Strategic Look Like?" by Diana Thomas

  • November 06, 2016 3:13 PM | Laura Chartier

    Although there is considerable overlap between coaching and consulting skills, both have a place in the learning strategy development process. The key is to find, as in most areas of life, just the right balance.


  • November 03, 2016 3:37 PM | Laura Chartier

    While stating course objectives upfront has proven benefits for boosting the achievement of learning outcomes, it's rarely the most glamorous part of your training. Ensure your learners interact with the content in a different way by implementing these unique presentation methods.

  • November 01, 2016 10:54 AM | Laura Chartier

    You live in a world of dynamic and interactive multimedia. Why, then, are you still subjecting your learners to static and one-dimensional training materials? Augmented reality is now an affordable technology that can be easily integrated into your learning content to provide immediate context at the moment of need.

    Check out this article by Alexander Salas, CPLP and Supervisor, Learning Management Systems at Centene Corporation to see how apps like Zappar, Aurasma and Blippar allow users to overlay digital media to create AR experiences through mobile devices.

  • October 25, 2016 1:51 PM | Laura Chartier

    "When people have ideas that can solve a need but lack the resources to put them into practice, they access that brilliant part of the brain where creativity dwells. They have to either come up with creative ways to find new resources, or get creative with those available." Read on to find out how "velfies" offer cheap, just-in-time support, can be accessed on mobile devices, and keep employees engaged during the learning process.

  • October 15, 2016 11:50 AM | Laura Chartier

    We all hit roadblocks at times and get stuck in the same ol'-same ol' routine. Our trainings can lack luster, our learners can feel uninspired, and our teams can run low on ingenuity. These 20 Problem Solving Activities to Improve Creativity from Andrew Tarvin at Humor That Works will kick you in the seat of your pants and get you on a resourceful, productive path to solving your talent development and workplace challenges!

  • October 13, 2016 3:35 PM | Laura Chartier

    By Shari Saeger, VP Community RelationsATD of Southeastern WI

    On August 5, 2016, our very own Matt Meuleners volunteered his time as part of our chapter’s initiative to partner with, and extend talent development services to, community organizations. Matt provided presentation and storytelling training to United Way Loaned Executives in Milwaukee and Waukesha counties. These Loaned Executives are a group of two dozen individuals employed by United Way during the four-month United Way campaign season. They act as liaisons between United Way and the organizations across southeast Wisconsin to whom they are assigned. In that capacity, the Loaned Executives speak to influence large groups of people in their interactions during the campaign season, so the principles from Matt’s training were directly applicable and appreciated by his audience. 

    Our Loaned Executive Training is a new volunteer program that came about this year, offering a way for SEWI-ATD members to give back to the local community. We are actively looking to expand offerings such as this. If your organization is interested in exploring a similar partnership, or if you would like to volunteer to help with our trainings and/or community relations, please contact Shari Saeger at shari.saeger@mra.net.


    "United Way is so grateful to have ATD’s support. You provided an opportunity for professional development that we could not otherwise provide – both to temporary staff and full-time staff members. Sincerely, we appreciate your commitment to your community and generosity in providing this experience pro-bono – not to mention your support during our Speakers Bureau Training!"

    -Jeriah Ebling | United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County

© Southeastern Wisconsin ATD

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Phone: 608-204-9815

Association Managers
Seth Trickel
Heather L. Dyer, CAE

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4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
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