The PLA (Predictive Learning Analytics™) Revolution

May 11, 2016 6:02 PM | Andy Marris, CPTD

From Dr. Ken Phillips, CPLP (CEO of Phillips Consulting and May 20th SEWI-ATD guest speaker):

Imagine the possibilities if you could know at the conclusion of a learning program which learners are most and least likely to apply what they learned back on the job.

…Or, imagine if you had data indicating which managers did a good and poor job of supporting the learning they sent their employees to attend.

…Or, imagine if you had an objective way to compare the overall quality of one learning program with another so that you could revise or eliminate those programs that aren’t delivering value. 

Now all this and more is possible using Predictive Learning Analytics™ (PLA).

PLA is a revolutionary new way to apply data based decision-making to learning. The PLA methodology doesn’t replace traditional measurement and evaluation of learning, but rather builds upon it and provides two new exciting possibilities:

1) it focuses on individual learners and not on programs or cohorts; and
2) it focuses on predicting future behaviors or actions and not on documenting what has already happened. 

These two differences make Predictive Learning Analytics™ a game-changer, enabling L&D professionals to proactively and strategically increase training transfer while at the same time increasing their personal credibility with the business executive stakeholders they support. 

If you would like to learn more about Predictive Learning Analytics™ and how it can add value in your organization, come join me and your fellow Southeastern Wisconsin ATD Chapter members on Friday, May 20 to learn about the new tools and new rules for improving training transfer through the use of Predictive Learning Analytics™. 

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